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I created this blog to help you navigate the spiritual journey with grace & insight.

New Moon in Taurus Ritual

New Moon in Taurus Ritual


It's time to rise and SHINE! But first, we need to go within and get real with ourselves. Self-care and self-reflection is the key for this New Moon transit. Taurus embodies Earthy, grounding energy, so this New Moon is ideal for manifesting. Still, we need to review our internal dialogue to make sure that our thoughts are actually helping us create our highest timeline. Often, we do all the affirmations, manifesting rituals, and LOA techniques, but then our negative thoughts and emotions sabotage all of our efforts.Whatever you dream, think, and focus on expands, which is exponentially true under this New Moon in Taurus.

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New Moon in Taurus | Time to Rise & Shine

New Moon in Taurus | Time to Rise & Shine

New Moon in Taurus. It’s time to check in on your self love and self worth. If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love anyone else? -RuPaul As you make your New Moon wishes, tap into your self worth, and remember, You’re a WINNER, baby. You are the only one who can make your dreams come true. It’s time to rise and SHINE. What do you want? And do you TRULY believe that you are worthy of receiving it? What do you value in yourself, and what do you value at large? If you don't love and respect yourself, then others are unlikely to do so either. Remember, we SHOW people how to treat us and how to value and respect us. EVERYTHING is energy.

Here's some journal prompts to kick off this earthy, reflective energy: What does abundance mean to me? And do I truly believe I deserve it? And if not, dig deep and ask yourself WHY?

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Using Ho'oponopono to manifest your desires

Using Ho'oponopono to manifest your desires

I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.

These four sentences work like a vibrational mantra or a meditative frequency of peace and unity. They operate through space and time, beyond cause and effect, and transmit directly to your Higher Self, your subconscious, and your conscious mind. After a short while, you shift from disharmony to harmony. You move from separation to union while you say:

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Ho'oponopono: The Ancient Hawaiian Forgiveness Ritual

Ho'oponopono: The Ancient Hawaiian Forgiveness Ritual

I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.

These four sentences work like a vibrational mantra or a meditative frequency of peace and unity. They operate through space and time, beyond cause and effect, and transmit directly to your Higher Self, your subconscious, and your conscious mind. After a short while, you shift from disharmony to harmony. You move from separation to union while you say:

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Scorpio Super Full Moon Ritual

Scorpio Super Full Moon Ritual

A Supermoon (Full or New) occurs when the Moon is closest to the Earth. Fun fact: during a Super Full Moon, the Moon is 14% larger than usual. So make sure to take some time to gaze at the Moon on Monday night! Scorpio is a fixed water sign, so you know it's time to release all those negative emotions and limiting beliefs that the inner saboteur likes to whisper in our ear.

Full Moons and Scorpio are both heavy hitters, and then add a Supermoon into the mix; know that this week is all about feeling all the things. The spiritual path isn't always love, light, and unicorns-sometimes it's about digging into the sh*t that we don't want to look at.

Remember, the Scorpion has a sting in its tail-so whether we like it or not, it's time to take ownership of where the inner saboteur has derailed us from our dreams and desires.

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Full Moon in Scorpio | Get to know your Inner Saboteur

Full Moon in Scorpio | Get to know your Inner Saboteur

The first super moon of the year is happening on Monday, April 26th. Full moons are a culmination point, where we want to look at what is working and what isn't. During the full moon, the goal is to set intentions to release what no longer serves us.

This super moon in Scorpio (hello death, rebirth and rising from the ashes) is highlighting how we might be criticizing ourselves via the inner saboteur. The inner saboteur likes to talk in dark absolutes. I.e., Who do you think you are? You aren’t good enough to do that. Why would you think that was possible for you?

Sound familiar?

The inner saboteur wants us to think it is in charge. But our job is to flip the script and take back our power. We are in charge. We get to decide how we react to things, what decisions we make, and how we feel about any given situation.

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Accessing your Akashic Record to Find your Soul's Purpose
Self Discovery, Soul Purpose, Higher Self Martha Marlton Self Discovery, Soul Purpose, Higher Self Martha Marlton

Accessing your Akashic Record to Find your Soul's Purpose

With the busy-ness of life and the external noise of the 3rd dimension, we can become lost in the chaos.. The good news/bad news (it's all about perspective) is if you are not on the path of your Soul's Purpose, the Universe (source, GOD, whatever makes sense for you) will shift things in your life to get you back on track.

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