Scorpio Super Full Moon Ritual

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”

-Carl Jung

A Supermoon (Full or New) occurs when the Moon is closest to the Earth. Fun fact: during a Super Full Moon, the Moon is 14% larger than usual. So make sure to take some time to gaze at the Moon on Monday night! Scorpio is a fixed water sign, so you know it's time to release all those negative emotions and limiting beliefs that the inner saboteur likes to whisper in our ear.

Full Moons and Scorpio are both heavy hitters, and then add a Supermoon into the mix; know that this week is all about feeling all the things. The spiritual path isn't always love, light, and unicorns-sometimes it's about digging into the sh*t that we don't want to look at. 

Remember, the Scorpion has a sting in its tail-so whether we like it or not, it's time to take ownership of where the inner saboteur has derailed us from our dreams and desires.

The inner saboteur wants us to think it is in charge. But our job is to flip the script and take back our power. We are in charge. We get to decide how we react to things, what decisions we make, and how we feel about any given situation.

So when you feel your inner saboteur creeping in, boss up and remind them who is in charge. You have sh*t to do- and playing small is so 2019. NOW is the time to make your impact.

Remember, you came here for a reason. It's time to find out why. 

I allow myself to be still and listen to divine guidance to give myself permission to be loyal to my intuition. I won’t rush anything. I chose not to stress out. RIP anxiety.”

Toni Jones

Tell your inner saboteur #timesup

Tell your inner saboteur #timesup

Make the most of this Super Full Moon in Scorpio by doing this simple ritual:

Scorpio Super Full Moon Ritual

 You will need:

· Sage or Palo Santo

· Journal & pen

· Scissors

· Soothing background music 

· Daily vibes Spotify playlist (featuring Toni Jones 👑)

·  Connect to Your Higher Self Meditation. 

· Your choice of black crystal 


1.) Start by cleansing your aura, followed by your surroundings. As you cleanse your aura, recite the following- 

"I am a spiritual being having a human experience. I give gratitude for the opportunity to be on the earth at this time to fulfill my mission & purpose. I cleanse away all negative thoughts and emotions of my inner saboteur, and I embrace the truth of my soul and Higher Self.”

 2.) Begin your ritual by doing the Connect to Your Higher Self Meditation.  This 15-minute meditation is designed to help you easily connect with your Higher Self & Akashic Record. It's tuned to the frequency of 33 Hz (Christ consciousness and the pyramid frequency), layered with 211.44 Hz, which is Neptune's orbitary frequency: connection to the unconscious soul, imagination, and spiritual love. 

 3.) After your meditation, turn on your background music. Take out your pen and paper, and ask your higher self to guide you as you free write everything that your inner saboteur says to you. 

4.) Try to write for at least 10-20 minutes. If you feel blocked, call in your higher self and guides and ask them to show you what you need to know. After writing, read back over what you have written and circle any key insights. 

5) Next, create a name for your inner saboteur. This might sound silly, but I swear it works. Try this formula:

  1. Name your saboteur.

  2. Give thanks for its perspective.

  3. Choose again.

6.) Take your scissors and cut your papers into strips. As you do, imagine that with every cut, you are releasing all of the limiting beliefs of your inner saboteur. 

7.) Place your ripped papers to the side and anchor your black crystal on top like a paperweight. 

8.) Next, pull three tarot or oracle cards—the first for the past, the second for the present, and the third for the future. Read the description for each card and pay attention to any gut feelings or intuitive insights that come through. Trust yourself—Journal on any insights that come through. Always remember, everything you need is within you. Your soul knows the way. 

 9.) To close the ritual, recycle your shreds of paper and give thanks to your inner saboteur and let them know their services are no longer needed. And so it is. It is so.

✨ Be kind. Know your truth. Aim for the light. ✨


Tell me about your Full Moon experience by tagging #AimForTheLight on Instagram or by sending me your story to


Ho'oponopono: The Ancient Hawaiian Forgiveness Ritual


Full Moon in Scorpio | Get to know your Inner Saboteur