Soul Blueprint

 You came here for a unique mission & purpose.

So, what is a soul blueprint?

The soul blueprint is who we are meant to be, our unique patterning and soul expression. We look at your birth chart and connect to the Akashic Records to pinpoint your soul’s unique mission and identify any patterns or beliefs that hold you back from stepping into your highest expression. 

Understanding WHO you really are at a Soul level is a game-changer. Most of us spin our wheels, creating lives that we think will make us happy, only to find out that after getting all of the degrees, the ideal relationship, and dream house, we still aren’t fulfilled. 

 Tapping into your soul blueprint is crucial. It contains the wisdom you need to step into your purpose, soul gifts, and MISSION.

Before we incarnate, our souls create a plan for the lessons and experiences it wants to have during each lifetime. Our soul blueprint is encoded with all of the information that we need to fulfill our purpose and mission. When you are on the path of your blueprint, you will KNOW that you are on the right track. Everything will flow smoothly and seamlessly. Not that life will instantly be perfect, but there will be an innate knowing inside that you are exactly where you need to be. 

Like a blueprint in architecture, your soul carries an understanding of its purpose and gifts. It is there to remind you of who you really are and what lessons you came to learn.

We all go through times of confusion, but having access to your soul blueprint gives you the CLARITY to navigate your life from a place of inner knowing and purpose.

You have the power and free will to create the life and experiences that you want. But first, you have to lean into who you are (on a soul level) and what it is that you truly want. 

Most of us are running around thinking about what we DON’T want, but we forget to tap into what it is we DO want. 

The good news is we didn’t come into these lives blind-sighted. We left clues for ourselves to discover—kind of like in a video game. The analogy that the guides always show me is that of our higher selves playing the video game of Life on Earth. 

And our higher selves left clues or information that can be gleaned from our birth chart and our Akashic Record. 

Each session takes you right to the source, to help you understand how your soul can best express itself in alignment with your soul blueprint.  

These readings are not predictive. The quantum field holds multiple timelines, as your choices determine which timeline you follow. The future can always be changed. We live in a free-will universe, and it is always possible to change the trajectory of your life. The purpose of this reading is to apply the information from your reading toward your spiritual evolution.


  •  Tapping into your blueprint & understanding you really are on a soul level

  • Understanding what lessons your soul signed up for in this lifetime

  • Pinpointing if you are off track in your career & misaligned to your blueprint

  • Understanding your unique birth chart & soul mission 

  • Insight into your gifts, preferences, and potential challenges 

  • Identifying patterns that may be hindering you from stepping into your soul blueprint 

  • Cleansing & clearing of negative patterning 


You will need to know the exact time that you were born, as this determines your rising sign, which is an integral part of your chart. And of course, your full name, birth date, and place of birth.

I will send you a birth chart with channeled information, and then we will schedule a Zoom call during which we will access your records and get clarity on your mission and blueprint.  

Each reading takes approximately 1.5 hours.

You will receive a recording of the call (I find that each time you listen to the information, new insights come through!)

You will also receive a brief, customized clearing homework for you to do for 21 days to activate and complete the work we do in the session.

Ready to connect to your blueprint?