“There is a Buddhist term that means ‘mutual pecking’. It means that as a chick pecks from inside its egg, the mother hen simultaneously pecks the shell from outside to break it. All of your pain in Saturn Return helps you break out of your egg. When you break through your shell to come out into the real world, you can use fortune to the utmost to change your life.” 

-Suh Yoon Lee

“What are you afraid of? What are you avoiding? And what needs to change?

Saturn gets a bad rap, but think of him as a built-in alarm clock, waking you up at certain times in your life to ask: Are you on the path of your Life Purpose? 

Most people dread the Saturn Return because Saturn is the cosmic taskmaster. His job is to whip us into shape and ask us those blunt questions like, is your life in alignment? Are you with the right person? Are you living your Life Purpose?

Saturn cycles

Saturn takes a full 28 to 30 years to return to where it was stationed when you were born. So most of us will have two Saturn Returns in our lifetime (ages 29-30 and 59-60), but if you are lucky, you could experience the third one in your 80's.

When Saturn comes back around in your natal birth chart, consider this your cosmic check-in, helping you break free of any illusions and attachments that are preventing you from stepping into your Life Purpose. 

Even though this transit can feel like the Tower Card, the key is to go with the flow. The tighter you cling to your old life — the more ammo you give to Saturn to burn it all down to the ground. The good news is if you are on the right track, and have been doing your work, then this can be a time of everything seamlessly falling into place. 

Saturn in the birth chart

Saturn represents our ability to create form and structure in our lives. And he represents the fears, insecurities, and inhibitions that we need to overcome in this life. Saturn also represents time, karma, gravity, and cycles.

If you look at the glyph of Saturn, you can see that it symbolizes the cross of matter over the semicircle of the soul. Again, reflecting his role of making sure we learn our lessons on the physical plane.

The whole goal of coming to Earth is to learn lessons and fulfill our Life Purpose and mission. The Earth plane is one big school, and Saturn plays the role of that annoying teacher that pushes us to do better. He's the taskmaster who presents us with obstacles and challenges to gain strength, wisdom and learn our lessons. 

Find out your Saturn Return dates and take back your power.

You can grab a free birth chart and calculate your Saturn Return at astroseek.com. This will show you what sign your Saturn is in, and the house will show you what area of life your soul wanted to focus on. 

The key here is to lean into your Saturn style. Remember, Saturn hones in on your fears, gifts, and RESULTS. So when our thoughts, emotions, and actions are aligned with our inner Saturn, we experience that sense of flow and synchronicity. But when we are out of alignment, that's when Saturn comes in and cracks the whip to show us what needs to change and what needs to be released. So if we lean into our natural inclination and go with the flow, the process will be a lot easier. 

Saturn Return

Amongst the confusion inside my head are fleeting moments of sanity and clarity. Convincing myself and others with my ever changing plans, theories and revelations. Trying to open my heart while struggling to decipher between insincerity and true compliments; who to trust and who to fear. Craving focus and stability but finding complete and utter chaos around every corner. Fearing I have gotten on the never ending rollercoaster, only to find there is no seatbelt. Laughing, crying, screaming, obsessing, demanding, creating, reaching, dreaming, interpreting, misinterpreting and letting go all in the same breath.

Watching, waiting and wondering how long I will be drowning in Saturn Return.

- H.G.

What needs to change to get you back on the path of your soul mission?

The Saturn Return is a chance to ask yourself, "Am I on track with my mission and purpose? And if not, what needs to change?" Saturn’s job is to (sometimes not so gently) remind us that we have a mission to do. The Saturn Return is a time of aligning with your true soul path. Saturn will give you clear signals if you aren't aligned. Telltale signs are feeling stuck, depressed, frustrated, or jealous of other people. 

This transit is also a time of endings and beginnings. It's very much a make-it-or-break-it transit. So, you will want to get introspective and give yourself periods of solitude where you can go within, journal, and meditate. 

3 Things to do in the middle of your Saturn Return


Ask yourself the hard questions because they're coming either way. Are you where you want to be? Are you with the person you want to be with? Are you spending your days how you want to spend your days? And don't worry if you can't pinpoint the answers. Saturn will help you find them, but by asking questions, you'll be working with Saturn and nudging its lessons along.


Connect with friends, go to healers, and get massages- this is a great time to do bodywork because trauma gets embedded into our body's cells. So, working through these things mentally and physically is the key. 


It's easy to beat yourself up when your life feels crazy. But don't lose sight of all the positive things that have happened in your life. Instead, start a gratitude journal and write something you're grateful for daily. 

Most importantly, remember to stay open to complete and total change. At the end of your Saturn return, you'll find yourself looking back at the old you—you from two years ago —and thinking, "Wow. Who is that person?" So embrace the Saturn Return. He is your built-in alarm clock, reminding you, "You came here for a reason. It's time to get back on track."

Check out AFL podcast episode #9, where I microdose the Saturn Return and give more tips on how to thrive during this life-changing transition. By going within and examining our thoughts, actions, and emotions, we can get back to what shamans call “right thinking.”

Want some support for your Saturn Return? Book a session and get ahead of Saturn’s lessons and back into flow.

Be kind. Know your truth. Aim for the light.  ✨



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