How to use the Akashic Records along your journey of self-discovery

The Akashic Records can be challenging to understand from a linear perspective, but you can think of them as a vibrational "record" of every soul and its journey throughout all universes, past, present, and future. 

The term "Akasha" is a Sanskrit word that roughly translates to ether or sky. Hindu philosophy embraces the meaning of "an ethereal fluid imagined as pervading the cosmos." So you can think of the Akashic Records as a photographic film that records all of our life experiences, thoughts, words, emotions, and intentions. 

Traditionally, the records' analogy is that of a beautiful library that contains a book (a record) for every soul, planet, Universe, galaxy that has ever existed. 

Edgar Cayce described it as "The mind of God," the collective consciousness, and a tool to commune with the Higher Self and Spirit Guides. 

The Akashic Records are a tool to help us explore what our soul came here to do and what we came here to learn.

Each level of the Akashic Records contains different spiritual wisdom, and the type of information is relative to the frequency of each level or dimension. I.e., the information in each dimension corresponds to the frequency of the specific level.  

The future is always a vibrational match to the present. For instance, if you change a thought in the present, your future paths can change. 

Accessing the Akashic records has to do with increasing your vibrations to become a match with each dimension.When we explore our Akashic Record, we can find information about our past lives, present situation, and future possibilities.

Our record reveals to us what we need to learn at that moment, at that time, to support us on our journey.What you can learn in this space is infinite, but you must be open to receiving and simply ask.

Let's look at the three most common dimensions of awareness we have all can access.

Third Dimension:

3D awareness is a moment-to-moment reality, meaning all that exists now. It is our physical awareness of our body and our conceptualization of our physical world in our minds. We project our physical reality out from our minds based on the input we receive from our senses. Third-dimensional reality is everything we perceive based on the information we receive from our physical senses.

Fourth Dimension:

4D awareness is having access to every thought that has ever been thought that is relevant to this single lifetime. From your birth to your death, it also contains your thought-form. It is our personal Akashic field and where we can build astral constructs using our imaginative and creative capacities, interact with beings such as spirit guides and connect with our personal symbolic narratives.

Fifth Dimension: 

5D awareness is our heart-centered Awareness of Unconditional love. This experience often seems counter-intuitive to third-dimensional understanding because it focuses not on individual survival but more on the collective good. This is the awareness that opens our full Akashic Knowledge because fifth-dimensional awareness exists outside of time. Therefore, it is not attached to a specific physical incarnation. The Heart Center is nothing less than the portal to the Akashic Library.

Accessing your Akashic Records 

The placebo effect is a genuine thing, strongly supported by research. The power of positive thinking has shown health outcomes in patients who are going through treatments.

Don't wait for the practice to change your beliefs; instead, change your thoughts before accessing your Akashic Records. You must believe in the practice for a successful outcome.

You can attempt to tap into your Akashic Records or someone can assist with their gifts. Here are some ways to connect to your Akashic Records.

1.  Grounding and Purification: The initial step is to leave your "baggage" behind and disconnect with your ego. Clear your mind with whichever methods resonate with you, including a walk-in nature, journaling, yoga, breathwork, or cutting energetic cords.

2.  Setting Good Intentions: Align with your best intentions and set the intent to receive your record in the area you wish to explore. Are you seeking information regarding past lives, love, your career, and so forth. Getting clear on what you are after will help connect you with the answers.

3.  Prayer and Meditation: After grounding and setting your intentions, it is time to have an open mind and connect with higher guides and your intuition. Experiences will vary for each person but begin with a prayer and then, through meditation, visualize a library. Envision opening a book with a bright light shining out and letting the information needed for you in this time and place download.

Connecting to your Akashic Records is your birthright. 

All of us can access our Akashic Records and can connect to our Higher Self and spirit guides. It's just a matter of aligning our frequency with the vibration of the records and, of course, being open to the process. 

Try one of the techniques above drop me a message, and let me know your experience! 

If you have difficulty silencing the monkey mind and are just starting out with a meditation practice, try using binaural beats. I teamed up with a sound designer to create a binaural beat track to help clients connect easily with the Higher Self & Akashic Records. It's tuned to the frequency of 33 Hz (Christ consciousness and the pyramid frequency), layered with 211.44 Hz, which is Neptune's orbital frequency: connection to the unconscious soul, imagination, and spiritual love.

Listen to the track with headphones, clear your mind of all thoughts, focus on the tone, and set the intention to connect to your Higher Self.

Ready to explore the Akashic Records and gain insights into your life purpose and spiritual path?

Be kind. Know your truth. Aim for the light.



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Accessing your Akashic Record to Find your Soul's Purpose